
The Weatherford Regional Hospital Rehab Clinic offers you exceptional care from professionals with a caring touch


Rehabilitation services are used in the treatment of patients with a disability, disease, or injury to achieve and maintain functional rehabilitation and to prevent malfunction or deformity.  Treatments are designed to minimize residual physical disability, to hasten convalescence, and to contribute to the patient’s comfort and well-being.  

Overview of services

Therapy services include, but are not limited to: General Orthopedics, Hand therapy, Visual Perceptual, Assistive Device training,  Neurological Disorders, Sports Injury, Therapeutic Reconditioning, Pelvic Floor Therapy, Swallowing Dysfunction (including Barium Swallow Studies).

Therapy to improve strength range of motion, mobility, balance and coordination.

Occupational therapy assists with the improvement of life skills (such as activities of daily living, household chores/tasks, and other meaningful tasks such as work duties/hobbies). It helps with ways to overcome physical limitations and make tasks more manageable.

Speech therapy helps individuals with communication impairments due to speech, language, memory or cognition problems.

Our rehab department now offers specialized pelvic floor therapy for strengthening of pelvic floor muscles. Our team offers individualized care, tailored to your unique needs and goals. Diagnoses include Pelvic pain, Bowel and Bladder Health, and Sexual Health

Our outpatient services include Physical Therapy, Occupational Therapy, and Speech Language Therapy

Swingbed is a skilled level of care that can be utilized after an acute illness. It is meant for individuals who require additional therapy beyond their inpatient stay. These services are helpful when a patient is ready to leave the acute level of the hospital but is not yet healthy enough to return home. 

Eligibility for swingbed includes three nights in acute care. The anticipated length of stay is 10-14 days, with the goal of the patient’s returning to their prior living situation. For additional information click below.

Swingbed services>>

Contact Our Rehabilitation Department

For additional information or questions contact our rehabilitation department.

3730 Legacy Dr. Weatherford Ok, 73096

To learn more about our swingbed services, click the link below.

Swingbed services>>

For emergency services dial 911 or vist our emergency dept